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Classes and Workshops


Classes and Workshops

Classes P1100771 400x266 fixSelf Help and Healing Instruction: One on One, Classes and Workshops. In addition to massage therapy and intuitive energy work, Tonia offers suggestions of Traditional Chinese Medicine nutritional counseling, Qi Gong exercises and instruction in self massage to support and encourage each person’s self healing.

I often have a one day workshop that is designed to help you:

Experience different approaches to responding to and relieving stress

* Maintain your health this winter with gentle tools to manage everyday stress

* Build up a strong immune system that will support you this winter to live with ease and comfort, avoiding those physical and emotional ailments common to the season.

It is a fact that most immune deficiency dis-eases are either caused or exacerbated by stress. We forget to breath, we contract, we withdraw, we get cold and stiff and irritable and often depressed.

This day of the Winter Ninja:

* Will offer you enjoyable physical and energetic tools: self massage, breathwork, vocal resonance and short qigong practices you will be able to easily integrate into your day that will both boost your immune system and lower your response to stress.

* You will have the opportunity to use your voice as a healing tool for yourself and others. The voice is a powerful internal massage tool that stimulates the internal organs and augments ones ability to reduce pain and feel pleasure in your body.

You will learn an enjoyable morning routine of abdominal massage:

* Increase your lung capacity with ease,

* De-toxify your organs and stimulate your intestinal tract,

* Increase function of body and brain

* Harmonize your internal workings with sound resonance

* Learn inner visual journeys that help to strengthen the internal organs

The immune system functions better by stimulating the body’s ability to protect itself from outside invasions. You need not always feel dependent on someone else to make you well.

Take this time to prepare your gentle medicine kit to get you through the season and become stronger inside.

Become a Winter Ninja! It will give you a sense of confidence, energy, pleasure and ease.


Tonia Hafter is an educator, Certified Massage Therapist and practices healing in Oakland, California with her personal approach to bodywork and energy work she calls ‘Melting the Dragon’ which integrates Chinese medicine, Taoist meditations, medical qigong, and a positive attitude. She teaches for the past three years at Academy of Chinese Culture & Health Sciences in Oakland California, gives workshops internationally, and is a Reiki Master.

I believe that healing begins with ones desire to invite in change. For each one of us that change takes different forms. I hope to inspire you to find your path to health with some of these experiential tools to support you. Most of all I want us to enjoy the day. In an environment of pleasure, you can relax and trust your intuition. If you come to the workshop, you’ve already begun the process.